Our locations

Here you can select our various locations around Rhenus. You can choose between countries, the corresponding locations, business areas, as well as locations in your surrounding area.

  • Rhenus Logistics Romania - Logistica de Transport

    Transport Logistics

    No matter in which parts of the world your freight will be delivered – your recipient will reach you by land, sea and air without any problems.

  • Rhenus Logistics Romania - Logistica in antrepozite

    Warehouse Logistics

    As a specialist for Contract Logistics we take care of complete overall concepts so that you can concentrate on your main business.

  • Rhenus Logistics Romania - Logistica operarii marfurilor

    Transhipment Logistics

    Our Port Logistics offers you an efficient, complete overall concept for your individual procurement- and distribution requirements.

  • Rhenus Logistics Romania - Servicii cu valoare adaugata

    Value Added Services

    Our logistics services go far beyond just transportation, transhipment and warehousing. Benefit from our value-added logistics.

  • Rhenus Logistics Romania - Manipulare High-Tech

    High-Tech Handling

    Working alongside you, we can draw up and complete the handover of individual projects so that the units are ready for use.

Rhenus Logistics Romania - Locations
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Rhenus takes over the scanning services provider mdn Hübner

The Rhenus Group acquired all the shares in the Bavarian digitalisation specialist, mdn Hübner, on...

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Rhenus Logistics SRL

Rhenus Logistics SRL

B-dul I.C. Brătianu, Nr. 50-52

”Centrul de afaceri”, Corp A

Etaj 7, Birou 709-713

110121 Pitești (AG)

Tel.: +40 248 219991

Fax: +40 248 211471

E-mail: Contactați-ne